CocaCola Phone Concept – Funny But Good

Designer: DavidCarrillo

What would happen if CocaCola designed a handset for you? Can't think? Well, then don't because, David Carrillo has thought of it and created a design that looks funny but is definitely good. Let us take a look at the specs and phone and yes, do not forget to click on the images if you want to get a bigger view of the photos.

If you are looking for a highend concept phone, this is not the one. This is a slider phone. Not just any simple slider. The front part takes the shape of a coke can! The part that slides out also looks very sexy! Reminds me of women with sexy waist. The slider has the alpha numeric keypad.

CocaCola Phone Concept

CocaCola Phone Concept

CocaCola Phone Concept

On the front you can see a small button like structure and I have every reason to assume that it is the trackpad. The phone does have a front and a rear camera. The phone looks bulky and yes, the body must not be any other material but plastic. CocaCola logo is etched on the body of the phone which will make you think of this device as coke can at the first sight.

CocaCola Phone Concept

CocaCola Phone Concept

No specs are mentioned so, I guess, you and I are free to add some specs that we think will be the best for this funny device. However, don't go overboard.

Source: Behance


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