Air Tube Earphones With Pressure Dynamics

Untitled Document
Designer: Hyunjoo-Lee, Sunmi Hwang & Jiwon-Seok

Think how good it will be if your earphones could tell your phone or iPod to stop playing music when you pulled out the earphones from your ears!

This is what exactly happens with Air Tube Earphones designed by Hyunjoo-Lee, Sunmi Hwang & Jiwon-Seok. These earphones come with pressure sensors embedded in them. When you are using them, they will behave like any normal earphone. The moment you pull them out, the story changes! They become smarter than ever.

The sensors will understand that the earphones are no longer in use because they will be missing the pressure they would otherwise feel in case they were tucked in your ear and then send signals to your phone to shut off the music player automatically. The moment you put them back in your ear, the sensors will pick up the pressure they feel and signal the music player to start playing the tracks! Amazing…Just what I need at bed during night! In morning I will have enough juice in my phone to go out for work!

Images (Click to enlarge)

Air Tube Earphones 1

Air Tube Earphones 2

Air Tube Earphones 3

Air Tube Earphones 4

Air Tube Earphones 5

Air Tube Earphones 6


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