Roller Tape: Your Desktop Is Under Construction!!

Untitled Document
Designer: OTOTO Designs

Is your desktop looking pretty boring for past few days? Here is some heavy construction element that can spice up your desk!

This all new design by OTOTO is very interesting. The first glance at the photo of this new idea will make you think that it is definitely a new entry in the world of heavy construction! You are invariably wrong! This is just a tape dispenser.

With this dispense, tearing a piece of tape will be very easy and yes, it will store a few extra rolls in the rear wheels! So, if your current roll is out or you just misplaced it somewhere, open the wheely store room to grab another!

Images (Click to enlarge)

Roller Tape

Roller Tape 1

Roller Tape 2

Roller Tape 3

Source: Yanko Designs


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