Sphere Chair: Mobility Redfined

Untitled Document
Designer: Allen Chester G. Zhang

Boys and girls, men and women, nannies, grannies and grandpas, I want this weirdo on my next birthday! Do you know what it can do? Come for a ride!

The Sphere Chair scooter that redefines mobility and comfort and it is not a makeover of a traditional format but a complete new mould.

While moving, the user can stay seated. On top of that, user can also decide to lie down, to stand or to crouch without the need to leave the chair!!

The seat is ergonomic and there are different predefined buttons which can be used to switch positions. There is a joystick that is multidirectional and can be used for steering around.

And look at the color choice! Shiny aluminum hue with sharp blue streaks and the padded black chair – it's awesome! The central spherical wheel is definitely the center of attraction!

Images (Click to enlarge)

Sphere Chair

Sphere Chair 1

Sphere Chair 2

Sphere Chair 3

Sphere Chair 4

Sphere Chair 5

Sphere Chair 6


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