Kanavos Smartphone: A New Breed!

Untitled Document

Alexandros Stasinopoulos has come up with a design of new smartphone that, according to the designer, is meant for studying smartphone designs and this new design is meant for exploring how software and hardware interact visually.

This design comes with a number of vertical as well as horizontal stripes that have contrasting colors. The interface we see is that of Windows Phone OS. The selection of the OS, and the contrasting vertical and horizontal stripes actually allow the hardware, the interface and the OS to blend with each other.

As far as the design is concerned, the Windows button (Windows logo which acts as home button in other phones) is moved and is placed on two places. It can now be found on both the right and the left side of the phone. This allows easy access when the phone is held.

Images [Click to enlarge]


Kanavos 1

Kanavos 2

Kanavos 3

Kanavos 4

Kanavos 5

Kanavos 6

Kanavos 7

Kanavos 8

Kanavos 9

Kanavos 10

Kanavos 11

Kanavos 12

Kanavos 13

Kanavos 14

Kanavos 15

Kanavos 16

Kanavos 17


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