Source Of Water: The Watery Savior

Untitled Document
Designer: Wang Can

Never ever wish to be stuck in a floody situation! It's horrible and I mean horrible! Carcasses and corpses floating by with you standing chest deep in water and when you feel thirsty, you are doomed. This reminds me of the famous poetic line "WATER WATER EVERYWHERE, NOT A DROP TO DRINK"!

Wang Can thought of this dreadful condition and came up with something really unique! I call it the Watery Savior but Can called it 'Source of Water'. It is a unique concept design which will provide pure drinking water to the flood-struck people with near zero effort.

There will be some floating structures – actually a buoyant cross with a central ring. There will be a long filtration tube, which needs to be put in the hollow ring of the floating cross. The tube that goes all the way down will have several layers of purifiers in it. Obviously, the pipe or the tube will be some kind of semi-permeable membrane. The water pressure outside the tube will force the dirty water into the tube and through the filtration layers and by the time the water reaches the central hollow storage area, it will be purified. As more water goes in, the level of purified water inside the tube will keep rising until it reaches the top surface. The users will then remove the tube and store the drinking water in necessary containers and reuse the tube.

To me, it sounds like the process of Reverse Osmosis where impure water is passed through filtration layers using pressure. In this case, the pressure will be exerted by the flood water itself. The designer however, gave the details in the design itself. Take a look at the images and you will know. Oh yea, the tube must have a certain life period. The filtration units cannot keep on working and working endlessly.

Images (Click to enlarge)

Source Of Water

Source Of Water 1

Source Of Water 2

Source Of Water 3


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